Ok, this posting has nothing to do with me feeling disrupted, or with disruption, or with anything starting with "disrupt-" or remotely related. But, because it´s my blog and I can do as I please, I want to use the title to inform you that yes, I feel disrupted, and that word, in English, just like that, popped up in my mind on my way to work this morning, and the only reason why I´m telling you about how disrupted I feel is to notice that I haven´t been able to find a word that better expresses how I feel in Spanish. Weird?
And now, let´s move on to the real subject of this posting which is, again, Catch-22. Let me give you the real title for the posting: "A stupid masterpiece".
As I keep reading, I wander about how incredibly stupidly brilliant the book is. From page 62 now, I still doubt that I will be able to finish it, but every single paragraph I read, I want to share in the blog. Even whole pages I want to share. It´s amazing. The language is absolutely not correct, neither it is the content of it, and no general plot has really started to unfold so far. It´s all about some Col. Something, Lt. Someone, names and more names and nicknames and short anecdotes and more anecdotes that lead one to the next and so on, in the middle of a war that puts the most insane of people together and makes them even more insane.
I will try to be very, very picky and restrictive about the fragments I share, but here´s a few of them that I hope you enjoy.
[“It was a godsend,” Doc Daneeka confessed solemnly. “Most of the other doctors were soon in the service, and things picked up overnight. The corner location really started paying off, and I soon found myself handling more patients than I could handle competently. I upped my kickback fee with those two drugstores. The beauty parlors were good for two, three abortions a week. Things couldn’t have been better, and then look what happened. They had to send a guy from the draft board around to look me over. I was Four-F. I had examined myself pretty thoroughly and discovered that I was unfit for military service. You’d think my word would be enough, wouldn’t you, since I was a doctor in good standing with my county medical society and with my local Better Business Bureau. But no, it wasn’t, and they sent this guy around just to make sure I really did have one leg amputated at the hip and was helplessly bedridden with incurable rheumatoid arthritis. Yossarian, we live in an age of distrust and deteriorating spiritual values. It’s a terrible thing,” Doc Daneeka protested in a voice quavering with strong emotion. “It’s a terrible thing when even the word of a licensed physician is suspected by the country he loves.”]
[“Every time another White Halfoat was born,” he continued, “the stock market turned bullish. Soon whole drilling crews were following us around with all their equipment just to get the jump on each other. Companies began to merge just so they could cut down on the number of people they had to assign to us. But the crowd in back of us kept growing. We never got a good night’s sleep. When we stopped, they stopped. When we moved, they moved, chuckwagons, bulldozers, derricks, generators. We were a walking business boom, and we began to receive invitations from some of the best hotels just for the amount of business we would drag into town with us. Some of those invitations were might generous, but we couldn’t accept any because we were Indians and all the best hotels that were inviting us wouldn’t accept Indians as guests. Racial prejudice is a terrible thing, Yossarian. It really is. It’s a terrible thing to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop or spic.” Chief White Halfoat nodded slowly with conviction.]
[The nightmares appeared to Hungry Joe with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron throughout the whole harrowing ordeal when he was not flying combat missions and was waiting once again for the orders sending him home that never came. Impressionable men in the squadron like Dobbs and Captain Flume were so deeply disturbed by Hungry Joe’s shrieking nightmares that they would begin to have shrieking nightmares of their own, and the piercing obscenities they flung into the air every night from their separate places in the squadron rang against each other in the darkness romantically like the mating calls of songbirds with filthy minds.]
[It was a night of surprises for Appleby, who was as large as Yossarian and as strong and who swung at Yossarian as hard as he could with a punch that flooded Chief White Halfoat with such joyous excitement that he turned and busted Colonel Moodus in the nose with a punch that filled General Dreedle with such mellow gratification that he had Colonel Cathcart throw the chaplain out of the officers’ club and ordered Chief White Halfoat moved into Doc Daneeka’s tent, where he could be under a doctor’s care twenty-four hours a day and be kept in good enough physical condition to bust Colonel Moodus in the nose again whenever General Dreedle wanted him to. Sometimes General Dreedle made special trips down from Wing Headquarters with Colonel Moodus and his nurse just to have Chief White Halfoat bust his son-in-law in the nose.]
Now, to finish, a brief reflection that occured to me while I was waiting for the train this morning, and after I shook the word "disrupted" off my mind: Why do I keep saying "One day I will write something good" but that day never seems to come? I could come up with a lot of fair excuses, all of which could be contained in the very reasonable and honest statement "I don´t have the time right now". But the truth (the other truth) is, I might just not be a good witer after all. It might happen that I start writing and I turn to be a bad (even a crappy) writer. Whereas, as long as I haven´t tried yet, I´m a potential good writer.
So at the end it´s all about cats in boxes.
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