viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

We must be crazy...

This clip has been coming up to my head a lot in the last few days. I wonder how we (people) turned the world into such a hard place to live in... So rushed and competitive... So artificial and restrictive.
And then we complain about how much work we have, how little time we have to do it...

[The one characteristic which really makes the Bushmen different from all the other races on earth is the fact that they have no sense of ownership at all. Where they live, there’s really nothing you can own, only trees and grass and animals. In fact, these Bushmen have never seen a stone or a rock in their lives. The hardest things they know are wood and bone. They live in a gentle world, where nothing is as hard as rock, or steel or concrete.]

[Only six hundred miles to the south, there’s a vast city, and here you find civilized man. Civilized man refused to adapt himself to his environment. Instead he adapted his environment to suit him. So he built cities, roads, vehicles, machinery. And he put up power lines to run his labor-saving devices.
But somehow he didn’t know when to stop. The more he improved his surroundings to make his life easier, the more complicated he made it. So now his children are sentenced to ten to fifteen years of school just to learn how to survive in this complex and hazardous habitat they were born into. And civilized man, who refused to adapt himself to his natural surroundings, now finds that he has to adapt and re-adapt himself, everyday, and every hour of the day, to his self-created environment. 
For instance, if the day is called “Monday” and the number seven-three-zero comes up, you have to dis-adapt yourself from your domestic surroundings, and re-adapt yourself to an entirely different environment. Eight-double zero means everybody has to look busy.
Ten-three-zero means you can stop looking busy for fifteen minutes. And then, you have to look busy again.
And so your day is chopped up into little pieces. And in each segment of time you have to adapt to a new set of circumstances.]

... And so on...

Couldn´t we all, please, stop for a moment and reset?

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