Las 4:45 am no son horas para postear, pero sé que si no, no voy a poder dormir.
Hoy necesitaba llorar un poquito. Por lo mismo de siempre. Porque la vida es rara, y a veces pasan cosas que no se pueden evitar porque no dependen de ti, pero te afectan mucho mucho, para siempre, y por más que quieras no las puedes cambiar.
No hace falta que comentes, sólo quería desahogarme un poco.
Mi canción hoy:
Maria (Louise Taylor) (No encontré vídeo)
Maria works for a living
though she often has nothing to show for it
Maria counts on her giving
to take her places she's always wanted to be
So blow Maria, blow light across the prairies
and float Maria, float down the dark tributaries
The girl who made you laugh out loud
the girl who made you cry deep down
...she will come without a sound
Hear the rustle of the one that she's been stirring
Marie laughs at your body, the one you take so seriously
she will wrap her hands around your heart
and hold it tight though you will still feel free
So blow Maria, blow light across the prairies
and float Maria, float down the dark tributaries
The girl who made you laugh out loud
the girl who made you cry deep down
Maria may take you down, leaves you scattered in pieces
or lifts you up through the clouds
where you can soar among the winged creatures
So blow Maria, blow light across the prairies
and float Maria, float down the dark tributaries
The girl who made you laugh out loud
the girl who made you cry deep down
...she is gone without a sound
Hear the rustle of the one that she's been stirring
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